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These turbans come in some cool tie dye prints.  There is a bit of a learning curve to wear these but I think they are a bit more fun.  They come with directions to put them on, be sure to be close to a mirror when you put it on as you will want to twist and tuck things to get the right look for you. Our model above, Darlene Lee, has really long beautiful hair which is completely tucked into the back of the turban. 


Prints allow you to show a little more personality and may be more suited to casual wear.  I try to coordinate with whatever color I am wearing each day.  When working, I stuck with solid colors, but, you do whatever makes you happy! 


The wig headform shown in the pictures is standard size.  Having worn these for a while, I prefer looser styles, that do not fit tight around the ears--which for me hurts.  Turbans are pretty substantial, so I have never felt like they will move off my head.  They also work well in either hot or cold weather.  I show a little ear because I wear earrings 24/7 and it makes me feel more girly.  Some people choose to cover their ears completely. 


My preferred design right now is made with one seam which goes over the top of the head.  All fabrics are soft so they feel nice on bald heads.  Turbans are one size fits all adults--For smaller heads you just add more twists. 




Toppers Headgear Turbans

  • Black White Linear Tie Dye--90% Polyester, 10% Spandex

    Pink Purple BlueWaffle Knit--75% Polyester,  23 % Rayon, 2% Spandex

  • Black White Linear Tie Dye--tissue weight, but works in hot or cold weather

    Pink Purple Blue Waffle Knit--either hot or cold

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